• Ученість — солодкий плід гіркого коріння.

  • Доклади серця свого до навчання і вуха свої до розумних слів

  • Вчись не для того, щоб знати більше, а для того, щоб знати краще.

  • Важлива не кількість знань, а якість їх.

  • Є тільки одне благо - знання й тільки одне зло - неуцтво.

  • Єдиний шлях, що веде до знання, - це діяльність.

  • Бич людини - це уявлюване знання.

  • Знання - сила.

  • Знання - знаряддя, а не ціль.

  • Запам'ятовувати вміє той, хто вміє бути уважним.

Донбаська державна
машинобудівна академія



From September 2 to 6, a training course at KU Leuven campus De Nayer, Sint Katelijne Waver, Belgium, took place as part of the international project ERASMUS + “BIOART”. The DSEA delegation was represented by the Head CIT departments, Dr. Oleksandr Tarasov, Associate Professors of CIT Liudmyla Vasylieva and Eduard Hrybkov.


During the training, BIOART participants got acquainted with the organization of the educational process at KU Leuven, received methodological materials for preparation of new and improvement of existing training courses at the CIT and WUA departments, got acquainted with the laboratory base and scientific studies of KU Leuven.

During the training our lecturers visited the laboratories of the departments of KU Leuven University. In the AML (Advanced Manufacturing Lab) they were demonstrated ways of radiological research. Later on they had a look at Materialise's Technology Park Haasrode, which includes a large number of 3D printing labs using polymers, metal powder and biological materials. In the labs of Smart Instrumentations and BioMechanics of the Heverlee campus, some 3D printing labs for various materials, microscopy labs, mechanical tests and biomechanics were demonstrated.

Lectures and seminars were devoted to various issues related to the application of bioengineering. In particular, there were considered the issues of using nanotechnology for biomedicine production, the possibility of 3D printing of cells and organs, as well as requirements for implants and their tests, requirements for implants’ surface, use of various metals and alloys in implants.

The visit of the DSEA staff within the frames of the BIOART project ensured the realization of its tasks, and facilitated internationalization of the DSEA and deepened its cooperation with foreign and domestic universities.